When did you join ASM?
2013 – I joined in the first year the company was set up.

Tell us about your experience, lived and/or working?
I have been involved in autism support for over 15 years and have worked directly with neurodivergent adults in the HE and employment fields for 12 of those years, firstly with the NAS and then with ASM I come from a corporate background, latterly working in HR and Business Consultancy so I understand employment relationships and HR policy. And I have neurodivergent family members which I feel gives me a multi-angle perspective. I spent many years volunteering for my local NAS branch; I am a Non-Executive Director of Appeer, a CIC which supports autistic girls and women in Surrey.

What do you value most about your work?
Being able to share information and expertise which actually makes a difference; having the flexibility to support in a way that can be most impactful; and working with, and learning from, authentic people who value honesty.

What are your areas of interest or expertise?
Workplace support – helping both parties in the employment relationship to better understand each other and the value add that each can bring to the other. Helping to navigate relationship difficulties eg disciplinaries; grievances to achieve positive outcomes and providing practical strategies and advice and consultancy on best practice employment policies.

When you’re not working, how do you relax, have fun etc?
Exercise – I especially love walking, having a go at any sport with a racket, dog agility, and the occasional run; YouTube learning DIY skills to do up my house (mixed results there!); and planning more city breaks with the family.