Services for employers
We are a specialist organisation and work with employers to support the recruitment, induction and retention of neurodivergent candidates and employees. Our consultants have extensive experience of working with employers from all sectors, from multi-national corporates, to small organisations in the public, private and third sectors.
What we offer
Working with AS Mentoring
What we offer
- Recruitment support
- Induction and management training
- Workplace Support for neurodivergent employees
- Consultancy advice
- Bespoke workshops and “lunch and learn” webinars
- Formal workplace assessments
- Access to Work application support
- and others!
What to expect?
Our consultant are professional, experienced and hold specialist knowledge in the field of neurodiversity and autism. We will work in partnership with you to work effectively with your neurodivergent colleagues, support you to meet your Inclusion and Diversity duties as an employer and provide guidance, training and support.
Our Location
Our team currently works remotely across the UK and internationally.
How we work with you?
Currently, all members of the team work remotely and hold sessions online via video conferencing or by phone call. On occasion, employment consultants will be able to meet ‘in person’ however it depends on the business needs.
How long will we work together for?
This will vary depending on the type of support you are looking for and what you want from the service. We often develop long-term partnerships with our corporate clients. In providing Individual support services, our intention is to build confidence and teach support strategies to develop long term independence. There is no ‘one size fits all’ and the period of any 1:1 support will vary by client, based on need and will be kept under review.
Companies that use our services
Are you interested in this service?
Find out more about how ASM can work with your organisation, or a colleague in the workplace.