Autistic Jobseekers peer group

A new group is now scheduled to start in Autumn 2024…

“I am really enjoying the Job seekers group. I appreciate being part of a group of people in a similar situation to me. ” – Group participant

What to expect

  • A welcoming and safe space to meet with other autistic jobseekers

  • Share experiences, receive support & learn useful pre-employment tips

  • Build your confidence

  • Guest speakers: e.g. in one previous session, the group were visited by a neurodiversity advocate and tech recruiter to discuss recruitment, looking for work, sharing diagnosis & requesting reasonable adjustments at the interview stage

  • Meet others

Extra Information

  • Who: Autistic jobseekers (18 years + Independent and confident in joining an online session independently).
  • When: Monthly sessions will run for 2 hours each, for a period of 12 months starting in Autumn 2024 – date and time to be confirmed.
  • Where: Virtually via Zoom.
  • Cost: Places in the group are free of charge – The group is funded by Autism Forward CIO.
  • Please see attached flyer for more information.

We welcome anyone with communication needs to join as an observer or however you feel most comfortable.

For more information please email