When did you join ASM?
I set it up in May 2013.
Tell us about your experience, lived and/or working?
I spent seven years running the NAS’s specialist employment service, Prospects. I fell out with them over funding and left to set up ASM, so that we could keep providing the necessary specialist support services for individuals with the various ND conditions. Prior to the NAS I worked at a charity called Kidsactive, where I’d started as a volunteer playworker and ended up running a group of nine specialist adventure play and respite care centres across eight London boroughs which supported some 1200 disabled children and their families (40,000+ child-visits per year).
What do you value most about your work?
Having the chance to do something that matters, working in lots of different contexts with consistently interesting people – clients and colleagues alike – and learning new stuff from them all the time.
When you’re not working, how do you relax, have fun etc?
Outside of work it’s mostly tai chi, qi gong, and music. I also read fairly promiscuously across a range of subjects, and experiment practically with various things I get caught up in (most recently blacksmithing and offroad motorcycling – although not at the same time. ADHD: it tends to lead to serial enthusiasms, and the unplanned impulsive purchases that often accompany them. Which subsequently show up on your credit card bills as things you don’t necessarily remember doing.) Plus, family time, dog walks, vegging out with Netflix. Reading in the bath. Listening to audiobooks when I’m out and about.